Our work…
At Neomancer, we do our work for many diverse businesses, in a variety of industries, but the common theme is technology and the people who have to work and excel with technology.
That diversity allows us to approach challenges with the depth only possible because the breadth of experience we obtain through our work, enable us to craft out-of-the-box solutions, which work and fit, in-your-box.
…with Individuals
The most unique aspect of Neomancer is our Technology Concierge practice.
It is almost impossible to avoid technology in today's world, but it isn't something that everybody is comfortable wth, much less be experts at.
With Neomancer's Technology Concierge practice, we are your personal technologist, CTO, geek—whatever you call us, you can call us anytime you need to keep the technology in your life under control.
As phones get smarter and laptops get smaller and more powerful, the reality for our clients is increased complexity with diminished and undifferentiated service and support from the manufacturer and retailer. Our Concierge practice will help you select the technology appropriate for you. We will help you configure your devices to be secure and effective and make sure they stay that way with periodic checks. When needed, we help to coordinate and assist in equipment repair and data recovery to minimize losses and ensure that data is securely erased before old or damaged equipment is discarded.
Privacy and discretion is the hallmark of our service—our clients include high net-worth individuals, politicians, and celebrities—they trust us with their technology, you can too.
…with Companies
Regardless of the type or size of your business; whether it is staying in touch with your customers, or a fresh approach to a persistent challenge; from technology companies to companies that are furthest from technology; we have helped them all.
Why are we different from other technology consultants you may have engaged with in the past? At Neomancer, our passion is to solve your challenges—even if it means we're working ourselves out of a job—we strive to find the solution that will work and keep on working without us.
…with Startups
Starting a business is never easy, and in today's world, many business concepts involve a technology component. Finding the right technology partner can make a big difference.
Neomancer works with many startups to augment, enhance, or lead their technology needs. We have had many successes, but more importantly, we've also been through failures to know what works, and what works better, to help startups navigate the challenges ahead.
…is user experience driven
Whether we're building software, developing a solution, or formulating strategy, usability and user experience is always at the center of our focus.
The best technology can't solve any problem if it cannot be understood, used effectively, used naturally, and created to take advantage of the human factors that can enhance the task, and capitalize on the skills and experience accumulated by users.
…is goal directed
Ego is the number one project killer. At Neomancer, we know what our skills and experience can do, we don't have to use your project to prove it.
We're team players, but that doesn't mean we're push-overs either. Project goals will always be our main objective, and we will draw on all our abilities to make it happen.
Our clients…